Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My Meaning of Worship

This is the talk that I will be speaking tonight for my youthgroup in regaurds to what worship is.
I guess that I have always known my role in the church. from the very begining when I first came to this youth group I knew where I would be today. I dont realy know what it was, there was this band who tallented... but it wasnt the band that impressed me. The songs were speaking to me. suddenly this love for music that I had never felt befor was consuming my life. I suddenly became more gifted with instrements. It was consuming my life. I know now that it wasnt a love for music, it was a love of worship. I no many of you may not be familiar with this concept and that is why I have asked to talk to you tonight. I would like to read you my favorite passage in the bible out of romans 12. It reads:
"1-2 So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you."
This is the message I belive we need to remember when we talk about worship. Worship is what we do to bring glory to God and by extention become closer to him. So when our "worship band" is playing in this sancuary what we are doing it using all our effort to worship God. But the reason we sing on a stage is to lead you... into this state of glorafing god. The next song we are going to sing is a song by Matt Redman called "Heart of Worship". It says "if all we bring you is a song, a song in itself is not what you require, you search much deeper within, than the way things appear. Your looking into my heart"
=It is not just a song. It is us bringing glory to our God=

Monday, October 22, 2007

My new life

once again i am making an atempt at a blog. this time it is mostly to try to keep up with friends that have left such as drake and kier. my organizational skills are getting slightly better and i am spending more time on the computer than i used to. since the last post many things have happeded so i have lots of stories to tell. for two months in the summer i was staying at bellview bible camp, it was good fun staying with old friends and i am exited as two of them are got engaged durring my stay there, and though elise did steal geoff from me i think that he will be much happier with her than he would be with our slightly more distorted relationship. the best of luck to them. there were two weeks in wich no one was there and without a car it did get pretty lonely. i did lead worship this year at jr teen and it went ausome. god blessed me with a band that was blessed with alot of tallent. i now see that all this was a start on a much more difficult task that was leading worship for our local youthgroup were everyone in our youthgroup is gifted but we are still short a drummer as well as a gutair dude and a male vocalist. but not to say it hasnt been working out, after a couple of weeks i got my prioritys straight and put god first in our music and in the end our music sounded the same in our minds but i gess god put us in the eyes of people with rose colored glasses. we have come a long way but we still have alot of work ahead of us. i now have a goal that god has givin me. i have decided to go to ambros univercity collage to studie a ministry. i feel that god has lead me to ministry, auc may not be where he leads me but the meens to get there is put on my heart. i belive this goal is what will give me good marks in school and i just pray that it will. these are the main things that have happened in my life. i am copping. we will see where it leads me.